
What a day. I not only got to see Walsingham, but found my friend, the indefatigable Catholic Nomad Girl had nominated me for awards 🙂

If I were savvy like her, I’d know how to put these awards in the side-bar, but I am not, so I don’t, so I shall post them here – with profound thanks:

lovelyFor which I would like to nominate hiphopisnotthechurch for a blog which is so inspiring; if you have not visited him yet, do.

For which I would like to nominate The Lonely Pilgrim for the simple reason I really appreciate what he writes and the passion and erudition of a great blog.


I must also pass on an award she gave me earlier:

You are my sunshine awardL


Which I want to pass on to my friend nebraskaenergyobserver for the simple reason that HE IS!

The nicest thing about the awards is the chance to pass them on. As CNG had already nominated the great NEO for the others, that made my job a bit easier.