I’m sure I’m not the only who has trouble with the Psalms. There can be several ‘voices’ within a Psalm and I get confused who is speaking to whom and sometimes, about what. It’s been an ongoing challenge for me but I haven’t given up the fight.

In that fight for understanding, one of our deaconesses recommended Christ in the Psalms by Patrick Henry Reardon (ya gotta love that name, lol!). He is an Archpriest of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese and is an author, lecturer, podcaster, and senior editor of Touchstone. I don’t know when he sleeps but that’s neither here nor there. Sometimes, the things he writes, how he expresses his understanding, takes my breath away. A sign of deep knowledge, I believe, is the ability to take a difficult topic and explain it so that even ‘the least among us’ can understand. He does not take more than a page and a half to discuss each Psalm. Even the dreaded 119th. I would suggest, to those who feel quite comfortable with the Psalms (may you be many times blessed), that you read Christ in the Psalms for the sheer beauty of Reardon’s writing.

A couple of years ago, I saw this video on YouTube and I was touched. And charmed. And delighted. After watching the video, I wondered what we might be missing in our understanding of the Psalms. With that in mind, through a very circuitous route, I was directed to try Tehillim. It’s the book of Psalms from the Jewish perspective. This morning I tackled – which is too harsh a word, it was great fun- Psalms 1 and 2. I like to think I looked really intelligent if someone saw me at my desk with three books open – I sat with King James, Patrick Henry, and Reb Ohel Yosef and the four of us endeavored to suck the wonderful juices from the Psalms. We four are just starting this journey together so I may have more to write some time in the future. I do want to give thanks to A. L., the gentleman on YT who directed me toward Tehillim in English and who has promised to help with any questions I may have. Right away, Psalm 2, my question is who is being referred to as regards “The Lord said to me, You are my son; I have this day begotten you”. Christians believe it is Jesus but I’m looking forward to finding out the Jewish perspective.

I hope you get as much enjoyment from the video as I did – and continue to do every time I watch it.