In light of a series on the Atonement that I have been following on another site ( and Philip Augustine’s recent reposting of a piece by Geoffrey Sales, whom we all miss, I thought it might be good to revisit this post by Rob, who is also much missed. I very much empathise with Rob’s concerns shared in this post about evangelism and one’s own understanding of the character of God.

All Along the Watchtower


The cross is meaningless to those who are perishing. Christ crucified is a stumbling block for Jews and foolishness to Gentiles but to us who are being saved it’s the power and wisdom of God seen in Jesus Christ. In this manner of redeeming us God’s foolishness proves wiser and His weakness stronger than we can conceive. I began in faith simply knowing God gave Jesus for me and that believing I would experience His life.

However as time moved on there was an underlying disturbance in my soul over the explanation I was receiving of how Christ was given for me. The picture emerged gradually that Jesus agonising death on the cross was in order for God the Father to punish Him for my sins so that I could be released from the punishment I deserved.

Love for Christ was the response whenever I considered His suffering, but accompanied with…

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