I do not know if any readers or contributors at AATW follow the YouTuber, Computing Forever. He is an ardent supporter of liberty, in particular freedom of speech, an citizen of the Republic of Ireland, who supported Brexit. He speaks intelligently, passionately, and eloquently, with a sharp sense of humour. Recently he uploaded a video on the need to protect our mental health in a time of darkness for those who love liberty.

Christians have been the canary in the coal mine when it comes to prosecution over freedom of speech. They were among the first to be hounded – now they are coming for secular conservatives, libertarians, and centrists. The war continues apace.

In my own recent economic reading (not sure if I will add to the economics series here, I started – still need to finish the Son of God series), I have been looking at the Austrian School, in particular the views of von Mises and Rothbard. When I look at the great gulf between what anarchocapitalists and libertarians advocate and our present state of affairs, I feel sad. This is made worse by concerns about another pending financial crash, which Bill Gates and Warren Buffet expect to occur within a few years (as do members of the Mises Institute): http://www.abc.net.au/news/2018-03-01/bill-gates-says-financial-crash-certainty-reddit-ama/9500326

In spiritual thoughts, I find myself excited by a spiritual sense that the LORD is going to do a great thing to revitalise the Christians of the West – but also a sense of trepidation at the cost of it:

For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?

-1 Peter 4:17, NIV

I find myself in a mixture of views. On the one hand, there is an inescapable conviction within me, perhaps fed by a comment made by Chalcedon451 a while back, that Christ meant (among other things) that He would build His Church on Peter. On the other, there is something in my convictions that leads me to conclude that somewhere along the way, the Roman Catholic Church has stumbled. At the moment, I do not see how to reconcile these views, but what I would like is help in exploring the matter. Many doctrines and practices of Catholicism that I once abjured, I now see as compatible with the Gospel, and as historic developments of seeds in the Early Church period. But I have problems with accepting that some of these practices and beliefs should be mandatory. I have no intention of going to Orthodoxy. If I were to accept some formulation of Apostolic Succession, I would not concede of Peter as being simply a primus inter pares.

In the meantime, I bumble on, occupying myself with academic work and writing here. I appreciate the opportunity I am given to write both posts and comments here. Not least, I value the companionship this place offers in a world where my basic and fundamental views put me at odds with so many people.